At Whitegates Private Clients we like, whenever possible, to meet our clients. A close working relationship between us and our clients is vital to ensure that we understand what each client is looking for in their policy. Everyone will expect something slightly different from their policy, and as such, each policy will need to be carefully underwritten, and therefore unique.
We want you to be our client for a long time, and we believe for you to want to stay with us for a long time, we will have to prove exceptional customer service at all times. To do this we will never have more than 100 clients per client manager. Believe it or not I have worked for High Net Worth brokers in the past who have had up to 500 clients per client manager! Having time to go the extra mile for you is important to us.
We use a panel of carefully selected insurers, all of whom have been in this market for a good amount of time, and who have proven within that time, that their claims service is exemplary. We do not use insurers who sell 'cheap' insurance because as the old addage goes - 'you get what you pay for'...All of the insurers we use have very strong financial ratings.
It seems like a long time ago that the emergence of direct insurers changed the insurance industry forever...
Under-insure and in the event of a claim your insurance company are likely to reduce the amount accordingly...